Engage Others & Get What You Need
A hallmark of Nancy Dunleavy's philosophy is the importance of connecting. Connecting is both personal and professional. Finding commonalities and way that relationships can be more than just transactional, but opportunities to grow and deepen our value to others. More than "networking", connecting offers a platform to become more invested in the needs and solutions placed on the table and encourages collaboration.
For many years, Nancy has been a coveted public speaker sharing her creative approach to identifying personal strengths, tips for building relationships and being and engaging leader in your field by asking for what you need. Heard nationally and locally at conferences and webinars, she weaves a love of connecting with personal experience and lessons learned in an interactive presentation that is both engaging and inspiring. Nancy is currently accepting inquiries for speaking engagements. Contact Patty Cook for more information.
Taking her experience to another level, Nancy recently captured the highlights of her presentations and published 'Exercise Your Ask Muscle: The no-weight workout with proven results'. In the book, she contends that working out can be fun - it just depends on what muscle you’re working and how you’re working it!
This book shows you how to get what you want out of life by using, and strengthening, your Ask muscle. If you’re tired of trying the same things and getting the same old results, perhaps it’s time to change up your routine! You will find that the success you’ve been dreaming of is just around the corner. And it’s not nearly as hard as you may have imagined. Asking for what you want is easier than lifting a 5lb. dumbbell. Getting good at asking for what you want just takes a little practice! Put yourself in gear and head to Amazon to purchase your copy today!
Get out there and start connecting today!
“I never saw a session like Nancy’s where, even afterwards, people stuck around and there was an energy and buzz in the room that you could feel. People were excited about the connections they made.”
- Michelle Tepper, President, Specialty Products & Market Development I Exude, Inc.
“Nancy is an entertaining and realistic presenter who actively engages the participants to rethink how they connect with others beyond a business card exchange to accomplish their professional and personal goals.”
- Dee Mathis, Senior Market Manager, Community Engagement East Central Division | American Cancer Society, Inc.
"There’s networking and there’s going beyond networking. It’s not often that a speaker allows you the time and permission to ask for things that you need. My outlook has completely changed.”
- Fallyn Flaherty-Earp, North American Field Marketing Manager- Architectural Coatings Dow Coating Materials / Dow Advanced Materials The Dow Chemical Company
"Nancy is a fantastic speaker! In fact, I enjoy her style so much I went back to hear her speak a second time on the same topic! She not only provides valuable information while engaging and connecting audience members to each other but does all this in a light-hearted, humorous way."
- Kimberly Rivera, Executive Director Girls on the Run of Berks County
A preview of how to Exercise Your Ask Muscle